Please give half a terms notice on all classes you wish to stop. Eg. In October I would expect notice on classes to be stopped in January, therefore invoices can be altered. This gives me enough time to invite a new student and also re timetable should a class have to stop due to lack of numbers. I shall also endeavour to give you, as parents, at least a terms notice on changes to timetable and fees.
Most classes have a uniform so please try to always wear the appropriate leotard and have hair tied back neatly for all classes. This will enable your child to receive the best training as the teacher will be able to see your child’s body and can correct appropriately.
Please try and order all uniform via email giving as much detail as possible. Its really hard to take orders at the door in between lessons. Please also note that uniform will be ordered on a Monday to be handed out that week. Any requests taken during the week may not be fulfilled till the following week.
As ‘The Housley School of Dance’ hires three other teachers and pays ALL hall hire for the eleven week block in advance payment of fees on time is very, very important. However I am more than happy to discuss payment plans should you find yourself in difficulty.
It goes without saying that in order to progress with our fabulous teachers attendance is key, particularly when running up to examinations. The syllabus taught is with the ISTD and even though the school holds a 100% pass rate it is very difficult to predict what children will receive when being examined, therefore attendance is key! Yes we are an ISTD examination school but this doesn’t mean you have to do exams or will be entered. Sometimes, from a confidence perspective it is a good idea NOT to do exams… as we all know dance is for everyone and certificates are simply a bonus and not always integral in my opinion.
It is really important, no matter what the age of your child, from a ‘safe guarding’ perspective that you ensure your child arrives at class and is given to the teacher and into the safety of our care. Can I also ask that you do not drop your children off at class a long time before the lesson begins. It is extremely difficult, if something were to happen to your child, who at that moment is to blame. Safe guarding your children is one of my main objectives so I certainly need the duty of care to be a joint effort. If your child is walking home and not being picked up, I will need written consent that this is acceptable to you as a parent and responsibility of that child ceases to be mine.
‘The Housley School of Dance’ is now run entirely paperless so please make sure I have all up to date emails and emergency contact details. Invoices will be emailed at the end of term and the forthcoming newsletter will be available on the website. Go to www.housley.dance then ‘parents page’ then enter user name housleydance and password est2000. You will be text if their is anything new to view that concerns your child.
In this day and age I will need to know if your child DOES NOT wish to appear on any social media I may post. At the moment the dance school has a ‘Facebook’ page so please ‘like’ this but in the future we will almost definitely have Instagram and Twitter. On occasion I may post something taken from class so its important I know if you are not happy for me to do so. With regards to updating the website I will absolutely contact you for further consent to be included should a photo of your child be used.
If you require any further information or would like to discuss any of the above do feel free to contact me.